研究生 & 专业经济援助


这是对你未来的投资. 无论你的目标是为自己的家庭树立榜样, 推进你的事业或准备换工作, 我们致力于使卡森-纽曼为您负担得起. Our 金融援助 Office is 在这里 to guide you through all of the possibilities for exploring financial aid. 

Students must first apply 和 be accepted for admission in a degree-seeking program before consideration for financial aid will be given. 研究生 certificate programs are not eligible for federal financial assistance at this time. 此外,学生是 暂时 admitted into a graduate degree program will have aid awarded up until the provisional allowance of credits have been attempted, 因此必须是 完全 admitted beyond the allowance of credits on provisional status to continue receiving aid.  All classes 和 coursework must be required for the degree for federal aid eligibility.

2024-2025年研究生学费 & 费用

付款应在最终注册确认当天或之前支付. 研究生的学费和杂费全年保持不变. 所有费用和收费均有可能更改.

 研究生 & 成人节目 

研究生 & 成人节目每学分小时.技术费(PCH)
MBA /马西/激射微波(创业)$555.00
MDiv (SBC费率)$355.00
博士学位(Ed.D) & 专家(Ed.S) $580.00$55.00


第一步. 要申请联邦财政援助,请填写 免费申请联邦学生资助 在你打算入学的那一年. 使用Carson-Newman的FAFSA代码:003481. 您将被要求创建一个联邦学生援助(FSA) ID来登录, 如果你还没有的话.

援助的通知. 一旦你完成了 FAFSA 我已经被你们录取了, 我们将审核您的信息,并提供所有可用的帮助. You will receive an aid notification email that will direct you to the MyCN Student portal w在这里 you will find details aid eligibility as well as estimated charges. You will be able to accept or reject your aid or make adjustments to your loan amount. 你需要注册至少4门课程.5个学时,适用于你的学位课程的一半报名, 获得联邦贷款资格需要哪些条件. 任何援助都不能自动更新. 每个学年完成FAFSA,以便考虑更新援助.  The FAFSA is available beginning October 1st for each new upcoming academic year, 从下个秋季学期开始.  我们的助学金和学年都是秋季发放的, 春天, 夏天, 因此,每个夏季学期都与上一年的秋季/春季学年挂钩.  Keep this in mind to know which FAFSA you need to file for 夏天 aid eligibility.

斯塔福德贷款. 如果你打算接受斯塔福德贷款, visit the federal student loans website to complete 入学咨询 和 the Master Promissory Note (MPN). If you have previously borrowed through the Federal Direct Stafford program, 你可能只需要在入学咨询中加上C-N. 如果你计划接受TEACH补助金, you will need to complete the 入学咨询 和 Agreement to Serve (ATS). 欲了解更多信息,请访问 联邦学生资助.

想要避免学生贷款? 我们的付款计划有助于降低前期成本. Enrolling in a payment plan allows you to make monthly payments on your direct charges instead of paying your full balance before classes start. 有关付款计划的更多信息,请访问 学费的助理.


联邦工作研究: Must file FAFSA 和 prove demonstrated need with a desire to work on campus part-time by answering yes to FWS interest question on FAFSA. 可用于学费或间接费用. 更多信息可通过我们的 学生就业 页面. 预计收入从400美元到2美元不等,000, 这是根据最低工资和工作小时数计算的. 联邦勤工俭学学生按月领取工资.

联邦珀金斯贷款: 不再可用.

联邦直接无补贴斯塔福德贷款: 对于这笔贷款, students must file a FAFSA each year they want to be evaluated for loan eligibility at  Repayment of students’ aggregate loan balance begins six months after the student falls below half-time enrollment.  Eligibility for initial 和 subsequent loan disbursements require a completed Master Promissory Note (MPN), 入学咨询, 且入学时间至少为半天. 贷款金额最高可达20美元,每学年500元,但不得超过实际出勤费用. 研究生的总限额为138美元,500美元,不超过65美元,500美元的补贴贷款. The aggregate limit includes all federal loans received from other enrollment such as an undergraduate 和/or masters degree(s).

少数民族教学研究员计划: 要符合资格,申请人必须:

  • 是田纳西州的少数族裔居民和美国公民.S. 公民,
  • 被归类为大学三年级、四年级或研究生,并且
  • be a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in courses creditable to teacher certification or
  • be at least a half-time graduate student enrolled in courses creditable to teacher certification, 和
  • 拥有2.50 or higher cumulative GPA if required by the teacher education program at the student’s institution of higher education, 和
  • 不是一个有执照的老师

The application process consists of a 250-word essay on “Why I Chose Teaching as a Profession”, letters of recommendation from a school official an individual from the applicant’s community attesting to the student’s commitment to teaching, a list of extracurricular 和 leadership activities 和 all official college transcripts. 应用程序可通过 TSAC学生门户. 奖项竞争激烈,以资金为基础. 续期申请人将获优先考虑. TSAC must receive the completed application 和 required attachments by April 15.

研究生护理贷款减免计划: 要符合资格,申请人必须:

  • 是田纳西州居民和美国公民.S. 公民,
  • 你有田纳西州的护士执照吗
  • be enrolled in an eligible master’s degree or a post-master’s degree in a nursing educational program at an eligible Tennessee institution.
  • Agree to become a teacher or administrator in a college or university nursing education program in Tennessee.

参加 研究生护理贷款减免计划 可以不参加任何其他贷款减免计划, 包括联邦, 私人或机构. 一旦程序完成, the loan(s) cannot be combined to existing federal student loans the applicant may have received for the purpose of repayment.

联邦教育补助金: This is for students enrolled in an eligible program meeting the academic qualifications who intend to teach in a high-need subject area at schools that serve students from low-income families 和 requires teaching obligation.  没有履行教学义务的, 赠款转为无补贴贷款, 附利息追溯. 学生可获得的TEACH补助金金额最高为4美元,全日制学生的学费为每年1万美元, 对非全职员工按比例奖励.  The Grant amount will also be reduced by the amount of the origination fee.  被考虑为联邦教育补助金资格, students must file the FAFSA 和 complete online TEACH Grant paperwork each year at

私人/替代贷款: 另一种贷款是通过私人贷款机构提供的.g. 银行),不属于联邦贷款计划. Carson-Newman encourages students to look into federal loan programs before applying for a private loan. If you are ineligible for federal loans or you have exhausted government sources, private loans can help offset the difference between your educational expenses 和 loans. 私人贷款有很多选择. It is to your benefit to research 和 find the loan that best meets your needs. 贷款人拥有替代贷款的最终批准,而不是C-N. Private loan amounts vary 和 cannot exceed the cost of attendance for the program. 需要信贷审批. Carson-Newman has a trusted lender list with which students are welcome to start their search 在这里.